
The Joys of Pregnancy [Some Sarcastic, Some Not]

My stomach still feels like one giant bruise today from my ultrasound Monday. They can't change my due date in my records given that all their measurements and such point to March 27th regardless of when it's actually possible for me to have given birth. However, according to my doctor, if I did get pregnant when I say I did, and they induce [because their dates say I'm over-due] it will only be 3 wks before my actual due date, and therefor still with in the full term window. So, it's safe for my son.

However, I'm still tired from having to be at the hospital most of the day both Monday and Tuesday. Also, I have to start going in more often. I have an appointment in 3wks, then one 2 wks after that. I've decided to stick with the same doctor [actually, I think she said she was a midwife, whatever, she's got experience and a great bedside manner] since I'm so close to my time. Though, when I brought up the conflicting due dates, she first asked if there was a question of who the father was. She then said I'd be surprised how often that happens here. I told her that, unfortunately, it probably wouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, they'll probably be inducing me around April 6th or 7th. Probably. Anyway, so far my baby is healthy and thriving. I was told she'd be able to give me a better idea of how big he is so far next visit. She had issues measuring me because he kept moving. The lady giving me the ultrasound said my son looked to be about 4lbs so far.

Oh, I'm also going through Braxton Hicks contractions. Fun! Oh, and I'm lactating already. Double fun! /sarcasm.

In other news, my daughter has a speaking part in her 1st grade Seussical. She's very excited. Also, she's been constantly organizing and re-organizing the stuff people have already given us for the baby. I wasn't aware that older siblings had a nesting period before the baby came. Go figure!